What to Wear on Camera and How to Create a Signature Style

Bri White Vostra Moda holding black Nasty Gal jacket

Wondering what to wear on camera? At Main Paige Media, the vast majority of our small business clients are women. And because society is constantly scrutinizing the way women look (or sound, or act, or breathe… you get the gist), a lot of the concerns our clients have is how they’ll present on camera.

One of the first questions we often get before a shoot is “What should I wear?” 

We usually say, wear whatever you would normally wear when interacting with a client, but slightly elevated. Choose outfits that make you feel comfortable and confident. If you’re not a blazer person, don’t make shoot day the day you try it out. Remember, the goal is to connect with your audience, and authenticity is key to building that connection, as you can see in our client videos.

To dig deeper into the topic, we asked Bri White, Stylist & Co-Founder of Vostra Moda for her advice on finding your signature style and what to wear on camera.

Guest Blogger: Bri White

Stepping into Your Style – Why it’s Important to Dress for Your Personal AND Business Brand.

The way you dress sets the tone for the environment you’re creating. Dressing casually can lean into a more relaxed atmosphere while dressing more formally can lend itself to a more structured setting.

It can even show your team/employees/customers you take your role seriously. If you show up to the office in your pajamas (and it’s not spirit week while working at a school), the first thing people will assume is you were too lazy to care about your appearance and getting dressed today. That thought then leads to “If they couldn’t take time to get dressed or put any effort into their appearance, how much effort are they going to put into their work/business?”. You can help build trust by dressing appropriately for your role, and dressing to the values and tone of your brand!

Think about creating a “Signature Style” for yourself. For example, Marilyn Monroe is known for her beauty mark (so much so, that there is a piercing named after it) paired with a red lip and her well-known blonde bob. Put it all together and we have Marilyn’s signature style! You can do this with accessories, makeup, clothing items, or even color choices! Think about Charlie Chaplin and his iconic bowler hat and squared-off mustache combo – another example of a signature style!

Now it’s time to think about YOUR signature style!

Start with something that sets you apart from others visually. What makes YOU unique? If you were turned into a simplified cartoon character, what features or details would be kept? What about a caricature, which exaggerates features and details – what would be emphasized? Now, what details would you WANT to be added or emphasized instead? What colors, accents, or items do you wear (or want to start wearing) regularly that would be easy to integrate into getting ready or adding into your outfits/style if you don’t already? Play around with a few combinations of what feels easy for you to do on a regular basis. You can still fun and on brand for your personality, values, and style.

If you’ve struggled with discovering your signature style, don’t be afraid to reach out for style support! Vostra Moda translates to “Your Style”, and that’s what we help folks discover in the process of slaying their closet monsters and leveling up their wardrobe! These tips will help you with what to wear on camera.

Learn more at vostramoda.com or send us an email at hellobri@vostramoda.com

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