Meet Kayla Avitabile: From Music to Video Production at Main Paige Media

Kayla Avitabile: Video Production with Paige Burns, Main Paige Media

Meet Kayla Avitabile, a talented video producer, editor and filmmaker with a background in music and film. With a passion for storytelling, she brings creativity and technical expertise to her work at Main Paige Media, where she collaborates on video production and post-production projects.

Kayla, tell us a little about your background and how you got into video production.

I’ve been a musician my whole life, but when it came to college, I didn’t want to study music formally since most programs focused on theater, classical, or jazz. I was also passionate about history, so I double-majored in Film & Media Studies and American Studies, which blended history and sociology. Film felt like a natural creative outlet related to music, and through internships and projects, I discovered a love for post-production editing.

How did you start working with Main Paige Media?

I saw a job posting from Paige in late 2022, but it was a bit old and I thought it was already filled, but I emailed her anyway. She responded, saying she was always looking for freelancers. By April or May 2023, I started working with her, first as a PA and later as an editor. It was a great example of why it never hurts to reach out!

What does a typical video shoot look like for you?

We arrive early, speak with the client, and set up—usually about an hour. Depending on the project, it’s either just Paige and me or we may have a director of photography (DP) as well. Most of our work is interview-based, so we start with the interview and then shoot B-roll. I’m typically on a second camera, monitoring audio, and later capturing additional footage. Paige’s planning ensures everything runs smoothly.

And after the shoot, are you involved in the editing?

Yes, though I don’t edit all of our projects. If it’s an interview-based video, I start by constructing the narrative with just the interview footage. Once that’s solid, I add B-roll, graphics, and polish the video. Paige and I go back and forth on edits before it goes to the client. We aim for no more than two rounds of revisions with the client, though it’s often fewer since we fine-tune it beforehand.

Do you have a favorite project you’ve worked on?

A highlight for me for video production was working with a non-profit organization. The one that stands out is a five-minute documentary for The Home for Little Wanderers. It was an inspiring story about a magician in their young adult program.

On the editing side, I really enjoyed working on the Hippy Pilgrim project. It had an unconventional structure, so Paige and I collaborated closely to shape the final piece.

It sounds like you and Paige work really well together.

Absolutely. There’s a strong back-and-forth, and I’ve learned so much from her. It’s great to have that level of collaboration in a freelance relationship.

Outside of work, are you still involved in music?

Yes! I play and write music on my own and work on creative film projects outside of commercial work. I’m actually releasing a music video next month. I also did a short film last year and am involved in another project this year.

Sounds like you’re a perfect fit for Main Paige Media. Thanks for sharing your journey!

Thanks! It was great sharing my experience.

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